

We are HUSTOMTARNA VÄRMLAND your lokal house service based in Glava. We help you keep your house in shape.


Repairs to the house

welding, carpentry work, renovating, metal work


pruning, clearing, regular gardening, spring clean/ snow services


as part of a keyservice, help with i.e. mouseproblems


Philipp is a reliable and highly skilled all-rounder. Before moving to Sweden he worked as a team leader in an organic honey producer running logistics and before as a facility manager and stage craftsman in a theatre. Here he honed his skills in maintenance and technical solutions as well as craftsmanship. Nature has always been central to him and he’s planning guided tours through Värmland's forests to show people it’s beauty and fragility in a respectful way. 

Pia is an illustrator and art teacher. She worked in Germany in the cultural sector responsible for coordinating and curating cultural events in theatre and dance. Most recently she has been working as a teacher with children both at museums and schools. Using her talent with languages she was studying Swedish and is also  fluent in German, French and English. As a passionate gardener she was using her knowledge in organic gardening to run a beautiful garden back in Germany.